How to Maintain Professional Combs for Lasting Results

How to Maintain Professional Combs for Lasting Results

As a professional hairdresser and hairstylist, you have made the right decision to maintain your hairdressing combs! You have dozens of clients visiting you every day with their personal hairstyling and hair treatment concerns. There is the use of multiple products including hair creams, hair masks, shampoos, conditioners and chemicals for treatment. All these start accumulating in a comb, at least in small amounts daily, which tends to be unhygienic and a start to the development of multiple hair and scalp issues.

Hence, maintaining your hairdressing combs by cleaning regularly and following a few other essential tips becomes crucial. And cleaning professional combs should be done with great care as they are crafted differently than regular combs used in homes. Vega Professional offers a wide assortment of professional combs made from ultra-strong and durable carbon material. Available under the names “White Line” and “Black Line,” each carbon comb delivers precise results for haircutting and hairstyling needs. And in this particular piece, we shall discuss how you can take care of them for prolonged results.

Materials required and how to clean professional hairdressing combs

Professional Hair Brush & Combs

Let us begin by learning how you can clean professional combs with just a little patience and a few basic materials that you can easily find:

  • Mild shampoo
  • Soft tissue papers
  • Soft bristle brush (small)
  • Warm water
  • Clean cloth

 Step-by-step process to clean professional combs

  • Pull hair or dirt: Using soft tissue paper, gently pull any loose hair or dirt accumulated in between the comb teeth. Though you may do this regularly, removing as many loose hairs as you can again before a cleaning session makes the process much simpler
  • Dunk in water: Add a small amount of mild shampoo into a bowl or plate of warm water and mix properly. Soak the combs in it for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the oily buildup and residue stuck in the combs to easily remove
  • Clean with a brush: Take out one comb at a time from the water and using a small brush with soft bristles, gently clean the bristles around and in between. Keep in mind to do this gently as being harsh can cause scratches on the comb
  • Rinse with water: Once done, rinse the comb(s) with clean water. You can directly put them under running water or soak them in a clean bowl of fresh water twice or more if necessary 

Hair Cutting

  • Allow to dry: Do not start rubbing the combs with the intent to dry them immediately. Instead, place them on a dry and clean cloth to allow the water to get soaked and get air-dried. Do this in a relatively clean and dust-free space and leave for a few hours. You can then pat dry the combs
  • Store them properly: Once dried, store the combs properly in a pouch. If you invest in the Vega Professional carbon comb sets, you will receive them in a quality pouch which makes storing the combs easy and safe.

 Tips to maintain professional combs 


Buy Professional Hair Combs Online

While cleaning your professional combs highly contributes to their maintenance and hygiene, you can also take a few extra steps for long-lasting results. Here’s what you can do:

  • Always wipe your comb after every use on a client. Use a soft tissue to do so gently and avoid the accumulation of hair, residue, dirt and more
  • Do not keep the combs in the open when not in use as doing so will only attract unwanted dust. Always keep inside a pouch to avoid damaging the teeth.
  • Keep a separate set of carbon combs for chemical treatments and ensure you wash them as per the above-mentioned process to maintain their quality
  • Though carbon combs are heat-resistant, try not exposing them to too much heat when using heat appliances such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair crimpers, hair curlers and more to maintain durability


Professional combs are significant parts of every professional and aspiring hairstylist and hairdresser. Hence, their cleanliness and maintenance are of utmost crucial. You can buy from the wide range of carbon combs available at Vega Professional along with hair brushes, hot curl brushes and more.