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Foot Care: Easy Tips to Prep Your Feet for the Winter Season

Foot Care: Easy Tips to Prep Your Feet for the Winter Season

Who’s happy to have the winter season back? As soon as the cold weather rolls out, all our fashion and beauty needs suddenly change! All our summer clothes go back in the trunks and our wardrobe is replaced with all the long boots, coats and sweaters. It’s the season of shopping during black Friday sales, planning vacations during Christmas and New Year holidays, and sipping hot chocolate near the fireplace. Whether you are slogging with snowfall or struggling with harsh winds and chills during cold weather, your skin goes through a very bad phase during this seasonal change. 

Most of us are very particular about taking care of our facial skin, hair, and even hands. However, a lot of us overlook taking care of our feet which makes them rough and brittle. Imagine someone well-dressed and put together, right from the hair to makeup, clothes, and accessories, and then shift the focus from their attire to the cracked feet! Our feet endure the most while carrying our weight around and winter is that time of the year when it goes through regressive changes. The skin becomes dry and cracked heels only worsen the situation. Healthy foot care extends beyond applying nail paint and hence here are a few essential winter skincare and beauty accessories that every person should know about. 

Winter Feet Care Routine to Get Rid of Rough Skin

Discard Old Footwears

All of us have one favorite thing in our closet that is our all-time favorite and we are not able to gather the courage to discard it despite being worn out. No matter how emotionally you are attached to that footwear, odds are high that they are not providing you with the right support and comfort. Even if you use any pair of footwear seasonally, if the material or the sole is not premium or comfy, then it can affect the skin of the feet. And when the winter season arrives, you might not want your boots to feel tight or uncomfortable because they can interfere with the circulation in the feet. Therefore go for the winter footwear that properly fits you, keeps your feet warm, has a tight grip, and is waterproof. 

Regular Exfoliation 

We tend to ignore the importance of foot care and it leads to a lot of issues like corn, cracked skin, and stinky feet. And hence our feet need daily care and a fixed routine to keep our feet soft and healthy looking. At this time, it becomes important to exfoliate the skin and take extra precautions to get rid of the dead skin layer. Soak your feet in warm water and add some salt to them. Now sit back and relax till your feet become soft and it becomes easier to scrub away the dead skin. Concerns like callused feet and heels are such an eye sore and to fix them, use VEGA Foot File to shed away the dead skin by scrubbing gently. Clean the feet with plain water and apply moisturizer to keep them soft and smooth. 

Cover the Feet with Socks 

Our bodies naturally cool down while sleeping and to maintain the constant temperature, one needs to cover the feet with socks, especially during winter. Wearing socks is not only important to protect your feet from cold but also against environmental damage. Socks tend to cover the feet especially the sole and heel area against dirt, and dust that often lead to a buildup of rough skin. Cracked heels are quite painful and make walking extremely uncomfortable, hence cover the feet with socks to protect them from such damage. 

Occasional Pampering with Pedicure Sessions

Don’t limit the foot care routine only to exfoliation and daily cleansing. Once you are done exfoliating the feet to clean the dirt and grime from the dead skin, follow the process ahead with moisturizing and hydration. This can be done with at-home pampering sessions that help of pedicure kit tools to soften the skin and keep it silky smooth. If your feet need further care then you can use tools like a corn cutter to get rid of the stubborn corn and callused feet. This pedicure tool easily removes deaf and rough skin and is easy to use and clean.

And that’s all for the foot care routine brought to you exclusively with the winter edition. Follow this foolproof winter feet care guide and tackle all the major skin-related issues.