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Here's How to Use Beard Trimmer for the First Time

We will all agree that a well-groomed man is enviable. Ladies love a man who cares for himself. Hence, it is essential for men to know how to groom themselves, especially now when everyone is confined to their homes.

Whether you know how to use a beard trimmer or you are a noob, you must understand how to trim your beard with a trimmer to make the most of your grooming experience.

You know how it is; you're stumbling out of bed ready for a busy day and go straight for the beard trimmer. However, when you wake up, your face might be slightly puffy, your pores covered, and you'll possibly end up with a five o'clock shadow and sore skin. 

Before you start getting into your morning grooming routine, relax for a few minutes. Sit back, have a nice cup of coffee, and relax for a while. You're going to find your face calming and getting less puffy by the minute, and your pores will open a little bit more. That makes it easier to get a neat finish on facial hair with a beard trimmer.

How to Use a Beard Trimmer:

For an even, neat beard trim, follow this step-by-step guide on how to use a beard trimmer. And you are going to be ready in no time with an ultra-groomed look!

  1. The All-Over Beard Trim:

Wash your beard and dry it. Starting with the longest hair length and gradually taking it down is the easiest way to understand how to use a beard trimmer. Select the longest available setting for your beard trimmer and trim your beard all over. Go against the direction of the hair to eliminate excess hair. Until you are satisfied with the length of your beard hair, repeat using shorter trim settings. 

  1. Define your neckline

Place a finger horizontally just above your Adam’sapple for the ideal beard neckline and trim a vertical strip below this line. Work outwards to one hand under your jawline, then return to the middle and work your way to the other side. If you're sporting stubble, you can skip this step: if you trim a full beard, the neckline matters.

  1. Follow Your Beard Trim Through with A Shave

Shave off your trimmed hair below the fresh beard neckline. It is important to remove them. There is no other way to get that perfect trim. You can use the Vega Mr. Smart Shaver – VHST- 03 for the same.

  1. Choose Your Cheek line

If you're done with the cheek line of the beard, keep it as it is. For an edgier, crisper look, go to the bottom of your sideburns for a straight or slightly rounded line. The lower the cheek line, the more length you add to your face.

  1. Shape Your Moustache

You can cut your moustache to the same length as your beard, or to make it stand out further, leave it slightly longer. Close your mouth and smile to get a good, clean lip line. To build a 1 mm straight line above your lips, keep your moustache clean and trim the bottom (without the trimmer comb).

Grooming is a personal choice, and every man must decide for himself. A clean-shaven face, stubble, or even a full moustache - there's no right or wrong choice. Remember that the safest way to avoid itching, rashes, bumps, and infection is to take care of your facial hair. You can select a beard trimmer from Vega and get a neat, stylish beard without going to the salon. However, do not forget to keep in mind these beard trimming tips to understand how to use a beard trimmer at home fully!