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Say Goodbye to Hangnails with These Home Remedies

Say Goodbye to Hangnails with These Home Remedies

Hangnails can be both unsightly and uncomfortable. These little strips of skin that seem to cling to the base of your nails can not only affect the appearance of your hands but also lead to pain and potential infections. The good news is that you don't need a professional manicurist to get rid of them. Let us help you with some effective home remedies to help you address hangnails and promote healthier nail care.

Soak and Soften:

Begin by soaking your fingertips in a bowl of warm, soapy water. This will help to soften the cuticles and make them easier to work with. You can add a few drops of olive oil or gentle shampoo to the water for added moisture.

Gentle Pushing:

Soft-Touch-Cutical-Trimmer and Pusher

Once the cuticles are soft, use a Vega Soft Touch Cuticle Trimmer & Pusher to gently push back the cuticles. It is designed to keep your nails and cuticles looking their absolute best. Featuring an angled end to gently push the cuticles back and a uniquely shaped V-shaped metal to neatly trim dead cuticles around the nails. Be careful not to push too aggressively, as this can lead to pain. A gentle push is usually sufficient to create a neat and clean nail bed.

Trim with Caution:

Nail File

If you find that some parts of the cuticle are still hanging after pushing them back, you can carefully trim them using a pair of clean, sharp cuticle nipper. Vega Cuticle Nipper is a super sturdy and ultra-sharp manicure tool to smoothly and with precision trim hangnails and cuticles. Its ergonomic design makes it easy to use while its extra sharp, hand-filed precision blades assure ultimate performance to leave your nails well groomed. Remember to trim only the loose, dead skin – avoid cutting live tissue to prevent bleeding and infection. You can also opt for Vega Nail File With Trimmer comes with the two-sided nickel-plated surface for smooth, gentle filing and cuticle trimming. This adds up to a holistic manicure tool.

Moisturize Regularly:

After dealing with hangnails, it's important to keep your nail beds and cuticles moisturized. Apply good-quality cuticle oil or cream daily to maintain the health and hydration of the skin around your nails.

Avoid Over-Manicuring:


While it's tempting to trim and push your cuticles frequently, overdoing it can actually lead to more problems. Cuticles serve as a barrier that protects the nail matrix from infections. So, avoid excessive cutting and pushing to prevent potential infections and damage.

Hydrate and Maintain a Balanced Diet:

Healthy nails start from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water and consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can contribute to stronger nails and better overall nail health. Foods rich in biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids can be particularly beneficial.

Wear Gloves:

Protect your hands from harsh chemicals and detergents by wearing gloves when doing household chores or other tasks that involve exposure to water and chemicals. This can help prevent the cuticles from becoming dry and irritated.

Avoid Biting and Picking:

Biting your nails or picking at your cuticles can exacerbate the problem and lead to further irritation and infections. Try to resist these habits for healthier nails. In case you feel you need a cut, keep a Vega Nail Clipper handy for instant cutting and filing of nails.


Dealing with hangnails doesn't require a trip to the salon. With the right techniques and a little patience, you can effectively manage and prevent hangnails from affecting the health and appearance of your nails. Remember to prioritize gentle care, moisturization, and overall nail health for the best results.